Twitter died and it’s a slow news day so how about some Rob pics? » 07   6 comments

Posted August 6, 2009 by justfp

6 responses to “07

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  1. Is he sniffing her jacket? You can sniff me anytime, Rob!!! I could go all pervy on this but I’ll hold out for now. 🙂

  2. the hug is mesmerizing…

  3. I love this pic.. because it’s a real hug… it shows him… as a person… he can’t even get that close to people anymore Well I mean in a situation like this… he’s so adorable… and niave…right now… in the moment this picture was taken… I will always love this picture… because it was before everything else…well sort of.. I know it was all starting.. but it was when he was still kind of blown away by it all… now he just seems overcome by it all, the fun of it seems like it’s really faded… boy I’m in a mood tonight.. sorry for being a downer..

    Great pic!!!a favorite 🙂

  4. he’s so tall

  5. hey sumone pls tell me who’s the girl???

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