Robert Pattinson on ‘Most Underrated Actors in Hollywood’ list   5 comments


10. Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson barely made the list simply because he’s become a household name, thanks to the Twilight Series. Though that is all he is mainly known for, Pattinson’s roles in Remember Me, Water for Elephants, and Bel Ami, show that he is much more than a pretty face. Despite his popularity among the teen and young adult worlds, he doesn’t get much recognition from Hollywood or The Academy, nor has he received any awards, like the Golden Globes and Oscars. If Pattinson is handed a serious role, given a stellar producer and director, he will undoubtedly impress.

See the rest of the list here

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Posted July 7, 2013 by fastieslowie in Robert Pattinson

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5 responses to “Robert Pattinson on ‘Most Underrated Actors in Hollywood’ list

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  1. Robert’s day will come because he is a true professional & an excellent actor, but for now, he can continue to laugh all the way to the bank while some doubt him. Think back, some of those same people doubted Leo and George C. and look where those men are today. Robert Pattinson will come out the winner because he has it all—-looks, intelligence, professionalism, character, integrity, class, personality, and wealth!

  2. Sadie I couldn’t have said it any better than you just did and I agree with you so much. Robert’s day has come and still going strong. Hollywood people are very jealous of anyone with the true talent and our Robert doesn’t “kiss up” the way most of them do to get the notoriety. He doesn’t have to because his talent speaks for him. They can make all the jokes they want about his role as “Edward” but he set the bar for every Vampire movie and t.v. series going today for what he put into that character. I am not a teeny bopper but a 74 yr. old woman who grew up with the old Bela Lugosi vampire movies…but Robert”s talent brought so much to the “Edward” role thru that whole Twilight Saga. His facial expressions said so much. He is underrated to say the least. But I feel he is about to hit the big mark in his next couple of flicks to be released finally huge in the USA. I will always be a fan.

  3. Absolutely right Robert had made some really great movies but because they were not block busters people who didn’t bother to go see them missed out yes he is very famous for playing Edward Cullen but there is much more to him than that.

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