Flashback Pic Spam Post: All The Remember Me Stills With Robert Pattinson in Them   11 comments

In lieu of doing a poll this morning (because I sometimes run out of ideas on what to ask) I decided to do a pic spam of all the stills of Robert Pattinson in Remember Me. I think I got them all, although I might have missed a few.

By the way if you have any poll ideas send them over to us by either tweeting them to us @ThinkingofRob, leaving a comment here or e-mailing your suggestions to us at thinkingofrob@hotmail.com.

Here are over 100 Remember Me stills featuring Robert Pattinson as Tyler Hawkins.

Click to make bigger


More after the jump!

11 responses to “Flashback Pic Spam Post: All The Remember Me Stills With Robert Pattinson in Them

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  1. THANK YOU for the lovely photos!!! 🙂

  2. Love the pics from Remember Me.

    I was looking at your list of books on the left side under Rob’s Books. How about a poll question asking how many of these you’ve read and did you read them only because of Rob or had you read them prior to that?

    I’m just curious to see if I’m the only one who bought 2666 and then never even attempted it. Although I still plan on reading it someday soon.

    I’m new to your site so you may have already done a poll on this and I missed it.

  3. Amazing post, I love these pictures..Rob looks fantastic as Tyler 🙂
    Oh, and I was thinking about the poll questions *blushes*..so I’m gonna share with you my ideas lol
    I always liked the quote from him: “Sometimes I think, ‘To hell with acting,’ and then I realize I could be working at a shoe shop, acting is much cooler.”..and I was thinking about what sort of job I would imagine for him, if he wouldn’t be an actor 🙂 I thought about some usual jobs like doctor and stuff lol. I’m studying civil engineering at the university..so maybe he would look great as an engineer..oh, these sexy yellow engineer’s helmets lmao, he would look great in it lol.

    I have other ideas too :)..(I’m sorry about that, I just got inspiration lol)
    Like..What would be the one thing you would like to send to Rob, if it would be possible? :)..like books, cd or some personal stuff..I maybe would send him my fav little plush bear 🙂
    or..What would be the food you would suggest to Rob to try? 🙂

    Oh, and sorry for the mistakes, my english still isn’t perfect 🙂

    Love, Veronika 🙂

  4. So so lovely he is just so dishy

  5. Pingback: Tutte le stills di “Remember me” con Robert Pattinson | Twilight Italia

  6. Pingback: Diario Twilight: Más de 100 fotos de Robert como Tyler Hawkins!

  7. Polls :
    How many movies have you watched because of Rob ?
    What question would you ask him ?
    What has changed in your life since you ate TOR ?
    What have you bought thinking of rob ?
    For you what is the most weird thing in Rob ?
    Why do you prefer in Rob Pattinson personality ?

  8. Pingback: Poll of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Remember Me Pic? « Thinking of Rob – It's all about Robert Pattinson

  9. Pingback: Imágenes de Robert Pattinson como Tyler Hawkins en “Remember Me” | Tu Web de CrepĂşsculo

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