Detagged pics of Robert Pattinson new shoot   27 comments

Here are some of the new pics detagged by us:

More after the jump!

Posted October 12, 2012 by Sim in Robert Pattinson

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27 responses to “Detagged pics of Robert Pattinson new shoot

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  1. Pingback: New Pictures of Robert Pattinson Now Detagged // Robert Pattinson UK

  2. I wish i can speak French at the moment 😀

  3. Pingback: Ancora altre foto dal nuovo eccezionale photoshoot - RobertPattinsonMoms

  4. Sweet Baby Jesus! Thank you ladies!!!!!

  5. he is the most beautiful man in the world

  6. Pingback: Foforks : Tudo sobre a Saga Crepúsculo | Twilight » Novo photoshoot ARREBATADOR com Robert Pattinson!!!

  7. love you Rob. beautiful man you look so sad….please sparkle again

  8. My heart literally skipped a beat or two after seeing that suit photo. Goshhh how beautiful one can be!!!

  9. So magnificent and defined!!!!! Gah!!!!!!! Holy holy holy holy hotttttttnesss! Most beautiful man in the universe. 😀

  10. Pingback: R♥ | Comunidad oficial de Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart en Chile


  12. Pingback: New Photoshoot – Nuovo Photoshoot (detagged) - RobertPattinsonMoms

  13. Pingback: Il nuovo photoshoot di Rob detaggato (luglio 2012)

  14. Pingback: Nouveau Photoshoot de Rob en HQ et sans Tags | Twilight actu

  15. What fool in her right mind would ever consider cheating on someone like this?!
    Beautiful, beautiful man!

  16. Pingback: More Detagged Photos of Robert Pattinson // Robert Pattinson UK

  17. Pingback: Rob’s NEW Photoshoot From July 2012 ????!!! | Robsten

  18. OMG ! THANK YOU SO MUCH for untagging these beauties 😀 He is so sexy, mature, beautiful, everything quoi !!!

  19. OMFG!!!! Thank you ladies!!!

  20. Pingback: R♥ | Comunidad oficial de Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart en Chile

  21. Pingback: Robert Pattinson: Nuevo Photoshoot Detagged | The Vampire Club

  22. Pingback: ++ Ultimate P a t t i n s o n .com { Tu mejor recurso de robert pattinson}

  23. Pingback: Robert Pattinson: Nouveau Photoshoot sans tags | Fantastique World Blog

  24. Thanks so much, these are amazing 😛 Any chance of getting the final two pics detagged?

  25. Thanks a lot for these – beautiful but looking very wistful!

  26. Pingback: Detagged pic of Robert Pattinson new shoot « Thinking of Rob

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