NEW Robert Pattinson Interview With Paris Match – Scans and Translation   14 comments

Here is a new interview Robert Pattinson did with Paris Match. The translation was done by us. The scans are from Le Rpattz Club. I only translated the part with Rob’s interview.


See the rest of the scans and the interview after the jump!

PM: In Paris, last November you were really scared by the craziness. How do you feel today Robert Pattinson?

Rob: I feel better. I’m starting to get used to Hollywood. It all seems just as crazy to me, but I have more control over myself. I know I have to watch what I’m going to tell you for example… And I’ll never get used to people who spend their lives following me around or to the people who use my name to make money. But I’ve learned to speak about the movie, my character and my career.

PM: In this third installment your character refuses to sleep with Bella and only thinks about one thing: getting married. It’s an ancient couple concept don’t you think?

Rob: This vision is a bit archaic but I assume it. The way I see it, Edward is obsessed that he isn’t human. He would like to not be a vampire. Therefore he takes advantage of every little detail that can bring him closer to “normality”. What’s better than a marriage to feel like everyone else? In all classic vampire stories, they think of sleeping with their prey and are ready to kill for blood. Edward, is searching for simple love, to not be different anymore. But he knows that’s impossible, that he’s damned to eternal life. This is what also causes this profound sadness in him.

PM: Does Edward represent purity?

Rob: He’s as pure as possible! But a vampire lives by its instinct, which pushed him each day to find blood to feed and that’s not the purest act in the word. Edward is on a spiritual quest. Love seems to be his religion even though he know he’ll never go to heaven.

PM: Did you speak about your character with Stephenie Meyer, the author of the saga?

Rob: Sometimes. She was present on the set of the third installment without being too involved. As long as we haven’t started shooting a scene, I listen to everything people say on my character. Once the camera starts rolling however, only the Director speaks to me. I don’t need to have various opinion all the time, or to hear comments.

PM: Are you impatient to be done with Twilight?

Rob: Not really. A saga such as this one allows me to be on screen often without boring people. If I did one movie after the other I think people would turn away from me. As Twilight has become an important financial asset, preproduction is quite fast. It allows me to do other projects between shooting 2 movies. Then, the wait is incredible, fans are impatient to see the next “Twilight” They really don’t care about the “new Robert Pattinson”!

PM: Is Edward more popular than Robert?

Rob: You just have to look at the amount of people who went to see Twilight and the amount of people who went to see Remember Me (a film in which he played that came out in April)! It made 70 Million at the box office whereas Twilight made 1 billion! But for Remember Me it’s really good.

PM: Why did you want to become an actor?

Rob: I enrolled in theater because my dad pushed me too. He thought it would help me overcome my shyness. But it’s mostly when I realized that all these pretty girls went to these course that I became more attentive. Before that I hated theatre.

PM: Were you more interested by cinema?

Rob: I never dreamed of being an actor. It was a chain effect. But I always loved movies. This may seem arrogant but I think I have good taste in terms of Directors and movies in general.

PM: What kind of movies did you love?

Rob: American movies from the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s and French movies from “La Nouvelle Vague”. For a long time I was obsessed with Godard’s movies. I would dream of learning French to be able to film with him. “Prénom Carmen” is by far the most beautiful love story I’ve seen in movies. When I filmed the first Twilight I had that movie in my head constantly.

PM: How to you imagine the rest of your career.

Rob: I’m reached a high level of fame at an incredible speed. All the movies by authors, the independent movies that I dream to make will surely suffer from it. But it could also help them. I don’t know yet. If Godard hired a French teen idol to be the star of his movie wouldn’t it turn out to be nothing much? I feel like I have the future in front of me but I also know that I have to make the proper decision to get what I want.

PM: Do you discuss your future with Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart?

Rob: We have different ideas on the way we want our careers to evolve. It’s very bizarre. Taylor dreams of doing big blockbusters, in action movies. Kristen dreams of doing small independent movies that have trouble getting released as for myself I’m a mix of both.

PM: Your sister is in music. Is she jealous of your success?

Rob: No, she’s been writing songs for years, it’s different. My family, my loved ones still live in the UK. They only see from afar this general craziness, they read it in the press. I don’t think I’ve changed because of the success. My parents came to LA for the first time a few weeks ago. We were constantly followed by paparazzi. They were a bit overcome by everything. But the fact that I’m British helps to not sink into the Hollywood turmoil. Even though you’ll read a lot of things about me I’m actually quite normal. And to be honest I’m seriously thinking of doing music with my sister. It’s a project that should be done before the end of the year.

PM: Did you follow the election in the UK?

Rob: Absolutely! I voted and I think that this coalition can be a plus for this country. Nick Clegg and David Cameron look sincere and honest, full of hope. This duo has to work as well together as Kristen and I do.

Interview by Benjamin Locoge for Paris Match

Scans source: Le Rpattz Club

Translation done by us.

Posted July 8, 2010 by gittsy in Robert Pattinson

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14 responses to “NEW Robert Pattinson Interview With Paris Match – Scans and Translation

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  1. great interview!!! thank you so much for sharing!! *bisous*

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention NEW Robert Pattinson Interview With Paris Match — Scans and Translation: And I'll never get used to people who spe... --

  3. Great interview because Rob seemed much more relaxed maybe due to the fact that the questions were less invasive of his personal privacy. Well done and thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. Looking forward to hearing Rob and Lizzy together, that will be a fantastic duet. GO PATTINSONS!

  4. Pingback: Robert Pattinson Interview | Paris Match « Everything Twilight

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  9. A friend and I were just talking not too long ago about how awesome it would be if Rob and Lizzy did something together since I’m a fan of her and her music on her own merit and I of course would love to see him do more music. That’s very cool, hope it’s something I can get my hands on when it releases lol,

  10. Pingback: Robert Pattinson Interview with Paris Match – Scans & Translation « The Pattinson Project

  11. Pingback: Interviews mit Robert - twilight-the-forbidden-fruits jimdo page!

  12. Pingback: Rob talks Edward, his favorite movies and even politcs in his interview with Paris Match |

  13. Pingback: Rob talks Edward, his favorite movies and even politcs in his interview with Paris Match |

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