Twitter died and it's a slow news day so how about some Rob pics?   28 comments

Twitter died… I wonder who killed it this time. Did Oprah or Ashton do something in particular that I’m unaware of? Oh well, anyways since we have to live without Twitter this morning and I’m running on only 4 hours of sleep and can’t think of anything intelligent to say how about some pics?



See more pics after the jump!




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28 responses to “Twitter died and it's a slow news day so how about some Rob pics?

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  1. thanks for the pics…and the “twitter died” update…i thought it was just me

  2. I Luv U!! Thanks for keeping the lifeline!!! What the hell will we do with Twitter down? Is the earth still spinning? I just looked outside to make sure that there wasn’t an asteroid heading this way… lol.. Thanks for the pics.

  3. Thank you FP, this is better than nothing i hate no have Twitter. Their site status say:

    “We are defending against a denial-of-service attack, and will update status again shortly.

    Update: the site is back up, but we are continuing to defend against and recover from this attack.”

    Apparently they have being hacked or something. Now we can understand how far is our addiction on twitter.

  4. FYI just came across this on AP. Twitter got hacked:

    Hacker attack shuts down Twitter
    (AP) – 42 minutes ago

    NEW YORK — A hacker attack shut down Twitter on Thursday morning, and Facebook also said it was “looking into” possible site problems.

    Twitter said in its status blog Thursday that it was “defending against a denial-of-service attack,” in which hackers command scores of computers to a single site at the same time, preventing legitimate traffic from getting through.

    The Twitter outage began at about 9 a.m. EDT, said Ken Godskind, chief strategy officer at Web performance monitoring company AlertSite. The site still had access problems late morning.

  5. GAH! I’m so addicted to twitter!

  6. love my twitter but love these pics more!!!! thanks for posting! twitter can wait i will be here a while! lol!

  7. Hey FP, what about more pics of Rob…. I need to calm dwon.. LOL

  8. Damn… facebook it’s also out!

  9. Oh hot damn! Who cares about Twitter? These pics………..I can’t even think straight! I swear this man could be painted blue and he’d still look hot and sexy. Mmmmm.

  10. Aww, thanks for the daily dose of Rob pics! For some reason I really like that b&w snap from the Summerhouse. Rob crashin’ on set .. nice and cozy. 🙂 (or is that an outtake from a scene?)

  11. Totally love these! Yummylicious Rob is always the best cure for a Twitter fail day!

  12. i didn’t realize how attached i was to the daily/hourly banter from my preferred Rob tweeters (fakerparis, JAG, Goz)! it’s been uncomfortable to be without it…so sad. I’ve lost perspective on life BRT (before Rob and twilight). oh well…screw that life BRT!

  13. Pingback: Twitted by FakerParis

  14. I still have no idea what Twitter is and that’s ok by me, lol. I’m always behind the times. I just joined Facebook a few months ago.

    I just went back to work (Thank God!) last week and since then I’m in Rob withdrawal. Don’t have as much time now to check out all the Rob news, but I do check your site every day – in the morning and evening. Thanks for having this site and doing such a great job – between the videos and the updates and the news – you keep me and everyone else in the loop!

  15. I love your posts and fabulous pics enough to actually post a comment!! Thanks for all you do! And absolutely loved your last video!

  16. LOL – FP I just saw this post and realised that I posted some of the same ones yesterday – we clearly DO think alike (which is a good thing)!!!!!! Luv ya.

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