Is Robert Pattinson the next James Dean or Marlon Brando?   5 comments


 Here is an article from The Improper:

Robert Pattinson has captured the hearts of an untold number of fans with his portrayal of Edward Cullen in “Twilight.”

Rob’s brooding good looks and the film, about eternal love and teen angst, are strikingly similar to two monumental teen idols from previous generations – James Dean and Marlon Brando – who starred in similar movies.

Every other generation or so, an actor comes along who captures the imagination of their contemporaries. Brando and Dean were those actors in the 1950s.

Rob is having the same breakout success as they did. Ironically, both Brando and Dean became international sensations in coming-of-age movies about teenage angst in tumultuous times.

Read more after the jump!


What makes them so alike and what makes them different?

Dean, a relative unknown, vaulted to fame in “East of Eden,” a film based on a novel by Nobel Laureate John Steinbeck. He played the troubled son of a farmer in a story loosely based on the Biblical tale of Cain and Abel.

His performance in the film foreshadowed his role as Jim Stark in “Rebel Without A Cause”which has parallels to “Twilight.” Both characters are angst-ridden, and misunderstood outcasts, trying to find themselves.

In “Rebel Without a Cause,” a 1955 film, Dean’s 17-year-old character, is a new to town. He’s moody and alienated, and different from than the others in his high school much like Edward Cullen.

He meets, Judy, played by Natalie Wood,, a budding actress who would go on to international fame and must confront the school bullies.

The film was an attempt to portray the moral decay of American youth with a focus on parents who failed to assert moral discipline. But it was also about the pressure to conform and about being different – two themes that also appear in “Twilight.”

Dean confronts bullies at the school, much like Edward Cullen must deal with renegade vampires who threaten Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart).

In 1953, Brando starred in “The Wild One” about the leader of a motorcycle gang that takes over a small town.

Brando became an iconic symbol of teen rebellion and posed on own Triumph Thunderbird 6T motorcycle, forever associating freedom and teen rebellion with motorcycles, leather jackets and blue jeans.

Ironically, director Nicholas Ray helmed both “The Wild One” and “Rebel Without a Cause.”

Both Dean and Brando became young sex symbols. Brando went on to star in a number of classics such as Stanley Kowalski in “A Streetcar Named Desire” and Terry Malloy in “On the Waterfront,” both powerhouse performances directed by Elia Kazan in the early 1950s.

Rob is just at the beginning of his career and where it will go from here is still anyone’s guess. But he clearly has the makings of a major star.

Brando, of course, went on to a long, distinguished career, including such movies as “The Godfather” and “Apocalypse Now.”

By the time “Rebel Without a Cause” came out, however, Dean had been killed after crashing his brand new Porsche. He was forever immortalized as a teen icon.

Let’s hope Rob’s career is more like Brando’s than Dean’s.

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Posted August 23, 2009 by justfp in Robert Pattinson

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5 responses to “Is Robert Pattinson the next James Dean or Marlon Brando?

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  1. If he goes on to do bigger and better things after the saga is all said and done. I hope he can deal with whatever comes his way in a flawless manner. People just need to hear the things he says and give him some space.

  2. Pingback: Is Rob the next James Dean or Marlon Brando Team-Twilight

  3. I hate comparisons of this type particularly when they are not contemporary.
    Dean’s career was cut short and we have no idea where it would have gone. Brando ended up a fat recluse that was heralded as a great actor based on the performances of his youth.
    I believe that Rob is significantly different not only is he multi-talented but he has a penchant for picking projects that test his abilities and provide learning experiences for him to grow as an actor.
    I think unless Rob chooses to abandon acting that his career will flourish and be very interesting to follow in the years to come.

  4. This is unbelievable! I cannot believe you people are comparing Robert Pattinson to Marlon Brando and James Dean! Those men were phenomenal actors. Pattinson is a Tiger Beat joke. Not only is Twilight an awful movie, but the actors are terrible. I should know, I’m an actress on the stage! All Pattinson and Stewart do in that movie is stare longingly at one another and pout. It’s ridiculous! Rebel Without a Cause is nothing like Twilight. One is an iconic and moving film that deals with loss, the generational gap, familial discontent, and possible homosexuality. The other is a teeny bob vampire romance. Then again, I don’t expect much from a movie based off such a bland, mediocre book.

    It’s bad enough that you’re comparing Pattinson to the impeccable James Dean, but Marlon Brando – really? He’s arguably the greatest actor of all time. Pattinson? Not so much. Brando and Dean were recieving Oscar nomination after Oscar nomination. Pattinson is recieving popcorn trophies at the MTV Movie Awards. Honestly, I’m disgusted by this post. I realize you’re all gaga over Robert Pattinson, and that’s fine, as long as you’re just considering his looks. But to compare him (as an actor) to the likes of James Dean and Marlon Brando – that’s preposterous. Those men deserve better. Are you all so blinded by him that can’t see how this is ridiculous???

  5. Don’t compare Brando and Dean to Rob!
    It’s really not fair..I mean Rob didn’t say he wanted to be the next anybody, this is just bullshit media..they always feel the need to compare new actors to old actors, it’s only going to start arguments.
    Can’t Rob be just Rob?

    And Robert..despite the crappy movie Twilight, is a good actor. I’ve seen Little Ashes and he did a pretty good job in it! As someone said, Rob may move on and do some better movies that will show the talent he truly has! He may make a name for himself (that everyone likes not just teenagers) and become a respected actor.
    The sooner the better this Twilight saga is over and Rob can move on! 🙂

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