Pics: Robert Pattinson and Chris Weitz arriving in Tokyo – 01/11/2009   14 comments

While we normally don’t post pap pics of Rob (except for those taken during events and set pics) we’re making an exception for these. Here are pics of Robert Pattinson arriving at Narita airport in Tokyo.


More pics after the jump!

Source via  RP Life & Source & PopSugar & Source & RP Source

14 responses to “Pics: Robert Pattinson and Chris Weitz arriving in Tokyo – 01/11/2009

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  1. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for Pics: Robert Pattinson and Chris Weitz arriving in Tokyo « Thinking of Rob™ [] on

  2. Yep, this time its not a hunting over superstar and he seems to be happy whilst being welcomed by Japanese fans.

  3. He looks so happy! Such a big smile! I LOVE seeing him smile like that, it makes me smile. He looks good and he seems excited.

  4. oh i just realize that i really miss smiley rob after see this pict.
    he is so cute when he smile 🙂

  5. So nice to see Rob smiling! Glad he got there safely. I bet this trip will be an eye-opener for Chris! 🙂

  6. I agree completely with not posting pap pics because they are usually intrusive. Rob was expecting this, and he is SMILING!! Thanks for posting happy Rob!

    • That’s exactly why I posted them. He was expecting to see fans and photographers when he got off the plane. He was smiling. That’s why I posted them 🙂

  7. So glad to see happy Rob. Even Kristen was smiling in her new photos. And I must admit her hair looked pretty good! Love smiley Rob 🙂

  8. meant to put this comment in this post….are they pap pics tho? the tag says LIFE and Rob looks like he’s smiling at the photog (clear sign its NOT a pap)? I think these photogs were allowed in the event so you’re still pap free IMO 😉

    • LOL Yes I like those excuses. But the main reason is that I used my good judgement. First Rob is smiling and was clearly expecting photographers and fans at the airport. It was almost like an event really.

  9. Pingback: Robert Pattinson Arrives in Tokyo Japan for New Moon Publicity | A Twilight Kiss

  10. oh it’s so nice to see him smiling!

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