Poll of the Day: What's Your Favorite Robert Pattinson Photoshoot   128 comments

The poll of the day today is “What’s Your Favorite Robert Pattinson Photoshoot?” There are way too many ph0toshoot so I posted the most recent ones and those I know people really like. If you want to vote for one that’s not here just leave the name in the comments.

So what’s your favorite photoshoot? Let us know in the comments!

NY Times Photoshoot


Vanity Fair


US Weekly


More after the jump!

Entertainment Weekly


AnOther Man










Carter Smith


Posted August 25, 2010 by gittsy in Photoshoots, Polls, Robert Pattinson

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128 responses to “Poll of the Day: What's Your Favorite Robert Pattinson Photoshoot

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  1. Entertainment Weekly!
    I also love AnOther Man. Those are cute 🙂

  2. Entertainment weekly, followed by GQ and another man …

  3. OMG this is probably the most difficult post EVER. Can’t I choose all of them? 🙂
    Hum, I’m gonna have to say it’s a tie between Segal, Vanity Fair and Entertainment Weekly… 😡

  4. Carter Smith [TV Week] 2010 !

  5. My favourite photshoots (yes multiple)

    GQ – Hot, and he looks like a classic man
    VMAN – Happy Rob, always WIN!!
    SEGAL – Those eyes…. and the hair
    US Weekly – Classic shoot: they were going for the James Dean look and it worked perfectly

  6. I’m going with Carter Smith too 🙂

  7. This is hard but Im going to say Vanity Fair. HOT & SEXY as always!:)


    This is probably the only photoshoot I’ll ever remember its name!

  9. Carter Smith & Shining 🙂
    But they’re all wonderful !!!

  10. This is a very tough question as I love them all but my favorite is US weekly..

  11. Definitely AnOther man photoshoot. *Drools all over keyboard*

  12. #1 Vanity Fair almost a tie with
    #2 Shining

  13. Vanity fair wins hands down, then Shining 🙂

    But of course, they’re all great! 😉

  14. wowww,it’s too difficult hahaha he’s great in all of them,but if I have to choose I pick Vanity Fair,this sesion was great,I love them,and it’s special for me because was the first photoshoot I saw of him 😉

  15. Vanity Fair

  16. … oh, to be sure – Hedi Slimane [Another Man]

  17. DETAILS!! I’ll never forget seeing those pics for the first time! I had to recook breakfast for my hubby because I couldn’t stop looking at the pics!

  18. Vanity Fair definitely, then GQ, Shining then Carter Smith (i’m going to miss the Jake hair :*( )

  19. Definitely Vanity Fair…
    Those are just yummy…

  20. VANITY FAIR!!!!

  21. All of them! He’s ridiculously hot in each shoot, but Vanity Fair is my absolute favourite!!!

  22. Vanity Fair *—-*

    This was the hardest poll you’ve made!

  23. Rob is gorgeous and very photogenic, so how am I going to choose???!! Very difficult, but I think:
    1. Vanity Fair
    2. Shining
    3. Another Man

  24. Shining!!!! And then AnOther man and then Vanity Fair :D:D

  25. Vanity Fair, GQ and Segal.
    I’m incapable to took just one.

  26. Hey. This is like choosing your favorite child!
    Well, fine.
    Vanity Fair. That Bruce Weber is the Devil.
    I’m pretty suspicious of this Shining guy, as well.

  27. Van­ity Fair

  28. Vanity Fair

  29. God it’s hard!!
    But I have to say Vanity Fair..Absolutely amazing!

  30. Another Man and Vanity Fair!!! I love those pics!!

  31. i loved vanity fair n crater smith….. lovely pics…..

  32. Vanity Fair!!!

  33. The camera loves Rob so they are all fantastic, but if I had to pick it would be Vanity Fair followed by Carter Smith.

  34. Entertainment Weekly and Vanity Fair I love those 2

  35. I love the photoshoot of Vanity Fair, ever and ever…but in all the photoshoots Rob is perfect…God bless him and your beauty.

  36. Well my favorite is not up there. Vman. Is my favorite. They are the ones with the blue shirt and vampire teeth. One of those pics has been my trademark icon for almost two years.

    Followed by Vanity Fair, Carter, and then Entertainment Weekly.

  37. Vanity Fair… i want to be the beer bottle

  38. Okay difficult but I think i can do it; GQ, Vanity Fair the one of he and Kristen first then the one lately with the piano on the sea coast, so sublime, then entertainment weekly, and Details comes up right next then us weekly of him in the leather jacket on the rooftop, legs crossed at the ankles and he reaches behind his neck to pull the jacket up over his head, (reminds me of an Angel for some reason), then segal, then shining, and the last would be the wfe one called carter? yep and anything in between that happened as a fan pic…;)

    Love ya Robbie P anyway I can get thee!
    Love Lisa J.

  39. Carter – seriously sooo cute with the new hair there!

  40. Definitely Vanity Fair and… Details, of course!

  41. can decide detail gq vanity fair ny times shining another man entertainment weekly carter smith they all are great but I have three fav vanity fair another man and shining are just mostly like what I think for him I mean look at shining he is inviting look at vanity fair he is so charming and another man that leather jacket is just makes him hotter if its possible

  42. 1.Carter Smith
    2.US Weekly

    I’m a T-shirt and jean girl. All though no matter what, Robert just can’t look bad it goes against his gene pool. 😉

  43. I’m going to take a stab at this because Rob in Leather, Rob in a Suit, Rob in t-shirts… They’re all my favs. I agree with Jade, Rob’s gene pool bars him from looking bad. 😉 But I’m going to have to say

    1. Carter Smith
    2. Vanity Fair
    3. Us Weekly
    4. GQ

  44. GQ totally GQ *sigh*

  45. Shining with Vanity Fair a close 2nd

  46. all of the above ! 😀
    hahaha i can’t choose! he is perfect in every single picture

  47. Vanity Fair !!!

  48. Carter Smith!

  49. Vanity Fair, and I really liked the Bazaar shoot, although it wasn’t listed.

  50. It’s really difficult to choose – for me it tends to be the last one showing up !! I’m fickle like that !

    So at the moment I really like the Shining pictures we just discovered these past days – the pictures with Rob on the green velvet cushions mainly…. ghhhh.

    And I love the Vanity Fair shoot – that is a classic – the pictures in the white tee in bed or the b/w in front of the mirror. Sooo gorgeous !

  51. 1.)Vanity Fair! As for me, he could do nothing but close a white shirt´s buttons in front of a mirror all day….:-)
    2.) Shining
    3.)Another man


    Im gonna go with Carter cos I remember my heart stopping when I saw them. VF is close second.

  53. Vanity Fair !

  54. VANITY FAIR! He is so georgous on this one!!

  55. This is a hard poll 😦 I want to choose all of them!
    #1 – GQ – Classy, sexy, gorgeous face.
    #2 – Vanity Fair
    #3 – Segal

  56. Impossible to choose, but I’m going with *Segal*.Reason being…just stare into those eyes. Then you will vote Segal also! :O)

  57. Vanity Fair 08 is still my favorite but since it’s not an option I will say Segal and then Carter. This is a hard poll cause I still have mad love for the Details shoot and Vanity Fair 09….ohhhhh…. and EW…..you get the point. LOL! I love them all.

  58. EW!!!!!!! Carter Smith does run a close second but definately EW!

  59. Vanity Fair, all versions of Vanity Fair from the one you displayed for the poll, the Twilight Vanity Fair Shoot, and his little stint as a Jett in West Side Story.

  60. Another Man and EW

  61. I’m going with the Carter Smith shoot…with a close second going to GQ!! He looks amazing in them all really haha

  62. Gha! It’s a toss up between Shining and Vanity Fair ❤ I can't choose one.

  63. segal & vanity fair

  64. It’s so hard to choose…
    1. Vanity Fair
    2. Shining
    3. Carter Smith

  65. Vanity Fair ❤

  66. US weekly and GQ : ). Both are fuckhot.

  67. Vanity Fair then Segal then Carter Smith

  68. Shining and US weekly, but is hard to decide….

  69. *Excite* This is an awesome poll, btw! I love them all! Haha, seriously, I’d choose Vanity Fair and Shining as my favorites 😀

    without a doubt in my mind.
    but i gotta say GQ comes in a close second.

    and i definitely have to agree with another person up there, the absolute classic VMan shoot isnt up here… why?! that one is so iconic to me, when i think of his photoshoots thats the first one i think of. with his vampire teeth, cigarette and old huge hair.. perfection. complete perfection.

  71. Vanity Fair: 33
    Carter Smith: 9
    Shining: 4
    Segal: 4
    GQ: 4
    Entertainment Weekly: 4
    US Weekly: 3
    AnOther Man: 3
    Details: 1
    V-Man: 1

  72. Segal. and Vanity Fair

  73. GQ always!!!!!!!!!!! so hot!

  74. My favourite one is the Vanity Fair photoshoot ( especially his photos in the bed with the white t-shirt ).
    AnOther Man photos are hot, Stewart Shining photoshoot is awesome. I am absolutely in love with this photo of Rob at the door in the NY Times photoshoot. Details photoshoot is misterious, surreal and sexy, I love Rob in leather jacket and black jeans in EW photoshoot, in GQ photoshoot he is very classy.
    Rob is so inspiring, irresitible, simple, natural, sexy and adorable in all the photoshoots.

  75. OMG!!!! I CAN’T CHOOSE!!!!!

    I’ll go with Vanity Fair

  76. Vanity Fair, Long Island addition. I never wanted to be back in Montauk then when I saw that!

  77. Carter Smith is my no.1 🙂 I love Rob with a short hair. My sec fav is vanity fair. 🙂

  78. Vanity Fair! 😀
    Another Man

  79. 1.- Vanity Fair
    2.- GQ
    3.- Details
    4.- Carter Smith


  80. 1. Carter Smith
    2. Shinging
    3. Mark Segal

  81. Vanity Fair: 38
    Carter Smith:11
    Segal: 5
    GQ: 5
    Shining: 4
    Entertainment Weekly: 4
    US Weekly: 3
    AnOther Man: 3
    Details: 1
    V-Man: 1

  82. he is so fit

  83. Carter Smith. I love the more natural, less posed looks but he looks hot in all of them so does it really matter??????????

  84. EW!

  85. Details, so hot. followed by GQ then vanity fair.

  86. Shining! GOSH, Loved loved loved that one! Although I like the Carter Smith and EW one too. 🙂

  87. Vanity Fair (are there 2 VF shoots? I like the one with the Kristen-in-sweet-black-dress-on-the-swing). Second Segal.

  88. OMG, how is GQ losing? How? GQ, then US Weekly, then Details then Vanity Fair. This WAS hard! LOL

  89. Details & GQ & US Weekly

  90. Vanity Fair: 39
    Carter Smith:12
    GQ: 6
    Segal: 5
    Shining: 5
    Entertainment Weekly: 5
    US Weekly: 3
    AnOther Man: 3
    Details: 2
    V-Man: 1

  91. OMG this is so hard. I can’t say all but 2 right? LOL I want to say Details because it was very manly but I think I’m gonna say Shining cuz I flove me some Batman…

  92. Sooo difficult! xD but I prefer… DETAILS and Another Man! ^^ xox!

  93. oh my…Van­ity Fair,Carter Smith,GQ,shining..


    I was speachless
    for like a whole day
    and continued to stare at
    those pictures for hours …
    that’s not a lie HOURS

  95. 1- Segal!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!
    2- GQ just some pics like the one that he is stand at the wall…… o like he lay in the floor….. Sweet jesus
    3- Us Weelky? I believe is Rolling Stone, WTV again, that pic when he lay in the floor and you can see all the millions of hairs in his armpit hahahahhahaha

  96. CARTER SMITH!!! 🙂 Def.

  97. Vanity Fair. YUM!

  98. 1) VF
    2) Shining….. but all of them – ahhhhhhhhhh!

  99. Pingback: Diario Twilight: ¿Cúal Es Tu Photoshoot Favorito De Robert Pattinson?

  100. VANITY FAIR FTW!!!! <3333


  102. I think … i’ll go with … ALL OF THE ABOVE!! No photo shoot of Rob is better than the others, he’s in them all! What more can we ask for?!?

  103. Vanity Fair: 44
    Carter Smith:13
    GQ: 6
    Segal: 6
    Shining: 6
    Entertainment Weekly: 5
    Details: 4
    US Weekly: 3
    AnOther Man: 3
    V-Man: 1

  104. Entertainment Weekly.
    The photos from AnOther Mn and Shining are cute too. Really cute ❤

  105. Vanity Fair!!! It’s always been my favorite 🙂

  106. Vanity Fair… followed closely by the US weekly pics in the leather jacket! *THUD*

  107. Rob’s gorgeous & sexy in all his photo shoots….but if I have to pick it would be Carter Smith & Shinning. He is sooooooooo hot!

  108. Carter Smith …
    Enter­tain­ment Weekly …
    AnOther Man …

  109. 1)Van­ity Fair …
    2)Carter Smith …
    3)Enter­tain­ment Weekly …
    4)AnOther Man …

  110. Details photoshoot.

    And then Vanity fair

  111. 1.V-man
    2.Peggy Sirota Vanity Fair 08
    2.Vanity Fair 09

  112. Vanity Fair, then Shining followed by Carter Smith

  113. I agree: it is impossible to have one favorite!

  114. GQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. DEfinitely Vanity Fair though GQ and US Weekly and all the rest are not far behind

  116. Vanity Fair. GQ is a close second. Shining and Carter Smith are 3rd and 4th.

  117. I can’t pick.

  118. Vanity Fair!!!! I’ll never get rid of that issue!

  119. Carter Smith’s..folloed by Vanity Fair then Entertainment Weekly…but they are all hot!!!!

  120. This poll is the hardest to make a choice, but my top choice would have to be a tie – Vanity Fair and ‘AnOther Man’ …

  121. Wow, they’re all so delicious xD! My pick:

    1. Vanity Fair
    2. Shining

  122. Segal will always be my fave, cant top it. Close second is GQ

  123. Definitely put on a photo shoot by Segal – it was incredibly exciting and unusual. Quite different than all the previous and next.

  124. Vanity Fair: 53
    Carter Smith:16
    Segal: 8
    GQ: 7
    Shining: 6
    Entertainment Weekly: 6
    Details: 5
    US Weekly: 3
    AnOther Man: 3
    V-Man: 2

  125. Shining !! folowed by AnOtherman !

  126. Vanity Fair: 53
    Carter Smith:16
    Segal: 8
    GQ: 7
    Shining: 7
    Entertainment Weekly: 6
    Details: 5
    US Weekly: 3
    AnOther Man: 3
    V-Man: 2

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