Poll of the Day: What's Your Favorite Scene in The Twilight Saga   48 comments


Our poll today is “What’s your favorite scene in the entire Twilight Saga?”

Let us know in the comments! 🙂

48 responses to “Poll of the Day: What's Your Favorite Scene in The Twilight Saga

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  1. There are soooo many but two that spring to mind are:

    1. When we first see Edward as he walks through the cafeteria in Twilight

    2. In New Moon when he walks towards the camera with the Volvo behind him 🙂

  2. It would definitely have to be Edward and Bella’s first kiss! WOW! Talk about a build up!

  3. The first meet between Edward & Bella, in the cafeteria, the first kiss between them, when Bella save Edward in Volterra, and the begin meadow scene in Eclipse 🙂

  4. The restaurant scene in Twilight is always gonna be my favorite one 🙂
    The music, the surroundings, and the tension between them…
    Oh and don’t forget Rob’s acting, it’s so damn good.

  5. This are mine:
    1- The first time Edward and Bella talk in the biology class, I love the introduction of himself.

    2- The “hi” Edward says to Bella in the greenhouse. (Ok, I think I have a problem with Edward saying hi or hello in Twilight LoL)

    3 – The begin meadow scene in Eclipse…. and the last.

    • Ok.. after reading the other responses I must add the first Edward apparition in New Moon.. the walking and the talking in the parking lot

  6. Restaurant scene & prom scene (Happy place):)

  7. 1. whole scene in Edward’s room /Twilight
    2. Edward excusing to Jessica and Angela for Bella’y late arrival at the Restaurant/Twilight He’s simply too cute there 🙂
    3.Bellas drowning scene/ New Moon

  8. I love the scene in Edward’s bedroom (Twilight)!! But Bella’s drowning scene is nice too. @nowlistenguyzzz *wink*

  9. 1. the first kiss betweewn edward and bella
    2. the scene of the abandonment
    3. the final scene in Volterra
    these two scenes mekes New Moon a great movie!

  10. Waow – that is a tough poll !

    There are loads and I cannot choose…

    – Edward’s first appearance at the cafeteria
    – The scene at the restaurant with Rob singing in the background
    – The scene in the trees and the piano scene where Bella Lullaby plays
    – The first kiss obviously !
    – Edward’s sexy strut in front of the Volvo in New Moon
    – Bella saves Edward in Volterra and the kiss thereafter
    – The first meadow scene in Eclipse
    – The leg hitch and when Bella agrees to marry Edward
    – And the fight scene between Edward and Victoria – I find him so sexy in that scene !!!

    That’s a lot I know… sorry sorry…

  11. kissing under the gazebo in the prom scene, everything about it is awesome

  12. there are plenty but one scene that stood out was in new moon….at the movie theater right when mike pukes his guts out lol…leaving bella & jacob alone..just their chemistry, expressions, dialogues plus the background score made it perfect. 🙂

    and rob’s entrance in newmoon….with the monsters track and his his slo-mo walk…

    twilight & eclipse on the whole were perfect keeping it as close to the book.

    and also in eclipse rob growling at taylor infront of bella & charlie….what a husky growl… 😉

    well the list will go on……why have u even asked such a question?? there wont be any short answers 🙂

  13. God there’re so much!!

    1)Edward walking in the cafeteria [twilight] -Made me team Edward XD

    2)The meadow in the start of Eclipse

    3)The bed scene in Eclipse [the one with the ring at the Cullens]

    4)When Edward kisses Bella in the lot in the start of New Moon

    5)And last – Edward and Bella kissing for the first time in her room.

    And there’re a lot more that I can’t recall right now 🙂

  14. My favorites are from the “Twilight” movie; Edward walking into cafeteria, Biology class conversation, Port Angeles meeting and restaurant, in Edward’s bedroom, the first kiss, and the prom – I’ve watched that movie so many times I can’t count. I loved New Moon too, but only watched on dvd about 5-6 times and I guess my favorite scenes are in Italy and I do like the Jacob/Bella scene when they are in the garage working on the bike. I only saw Eclipse 3 times and liked many of the scenes, but not sure I could pick a favorite, but the bedroom proposal scene would be up there.

  15. Are we talking books or movies? Books – tent scene and the very end where he reads her mind. Movies – Twi: the entire sequence where Edward is wearing the gray thermal (YUM), NM: Bella and Jake almost kiss, Eclipse: proposal scene. BD: TBD 🙂

  16. 1. When Bella accepts Edward’s proposal(Eclipse)
    2. When Bella saves Edward in Volterra (New Moon)
    3. Prom Scene (Twilight)
    4. Meadow Scene (Beginning and end of Eclipse)
    5. When Edward represents the consequences of Bella’s choice (Eclipse)

  17. There are many scenes I like but the one that stands out is when Edward and Bella walk into the school together for the first time as a couple and he make a comment about “breaking all the rules now”. He is smiling with sunglasses on and one arm around Bella. ~swoon~.

  18. I’m with ladyfairy:

    1. When we first see Edward as he walks through the cafe te ria in Twilight

    2. In New Moon when he walks towards the cam era with the Volvo behind him

    I love those scenes…how he walks…

    I add:

    when he call to Bella’s house and he broke the phone.

    and on Eclipse when he kills Victoria,the last scene when he look at her on the floor.

  19. Twilight – the restaurant scene and walking into the dance at prom where Edward lifts Bella into the Gym

    New Moon – when Edward tells Bella she can sleep and that he will never fail her again!

    Eclipse – the propasal scene and the mountain scene when Bella tells Edward she loves him more 🙂

  20. 1. Eclipses Leg Hitch!
    2. Followed closely by Edward’s New Moon volvo walk and resulting kiss.
    3. Emmett’s lines in New Moon “You’re dating and older woman, sweet!”

  21. I can’t decide there are too many. But I really think #1 is my true favorite:

    1. In Italy, when Bella begs for Edward’s life and then she smugly tells Aro he doesn’t “know a thing about Edward’s soul”.

    2. The Jacob/Bella kiss in Eclipse and then she tries to explain it to Edward immediately afterwards.

    3. “Stop trying to take your clothes off” “Do you want to do that part?”

    4. From the Eclipse book–when Bella cries all night after saying goodbye to an injured Jacob and Edward helplessly comforts her.

    5. Bella’s virgin talk with Charlie.

    6. From the Breaking Dawn book: After Jacob has seen pregnant Bella the first time and he and Edward “take it outside”. The conversation between Jacob’s thoughts and Edward is gripping. Jacob vividly describes how Edward looks like he might go crazy and says something about how Jacob feels like just a kid who would have to live a hundred years to feel the kind of pain that Edward looks to be in. Edward asks Jacob to offer his “stud services” in hopes that Bella will end the pregnacy. Finally, Jacob promises to kill Edward if Bella dies. The entire conversation is terrific and I really hope it is in the movie.

    7. Bella & Edward’s first kiss!!

  22. The cafeteria/apple scene in Twilight, and the greenhouse scene in Twilight. I was reeled in, hook, line and sinker!

  23. Gotta be the first kiss scene but I also really like his reaction when he first smells her in bio class. It really sets up the line later when he says she’s his own personal brand of heroin.

  24. Wow- this is not an easy question! There are so many- but i would have to give you one from each movie

    Twilight- prom scene w/Edward/Bella
    New Moon- when Edward parks his Volvo and that damned strut- UNF!
    Eclipse- the 1st meadow scene- love this!!

  25. :O for me it’s the opening meadow scene in Eclipse! Love how natural Edward & Bella are together! ❤

  26. Edward walking into the cafeteria

  27. Oh my where to begin.

    Um the first time we saw Edward in Twilight in the cafeteria. When Bella and Edwward first kiss in twilight. The meadow. In New moon when Edward and Bella reunite in Italy. The fight scene in Eclipse. The party scene in eclipse. When Edward asks bella to marry him in Eclipse. “Doesnt he own a shirt” IN Eclipse. I could go on and on!

  28. Okay the Saga starts for me with the books, so I am giving my favorite from both.

    From books: Without a doubt, counting all four books, my absolute favorite is in New Moon, after they return from Italy. I was really bumed the entire scene wasn’t in the movie. Chapter 23, The Truth!! I love this chapter the most of all the books, because it showed their true love.

    From movies: Favorite scene would be in the restaurant,in Twilight, just because of the expressions of Rob and Kristen.

    In New Moon: The beginning with Rob/Edward walking across the parking lot, also the break up scene, I thought they both did a good job.

    Eclipse: Beginning meadow scene, it felt real, not acting.

    I will always love the books, more than the movies, although I love the casting of the main characters, so I do go see the movies.

  29. Out of the 3 movies so far, Twilight is still my favorite and my favorite scene from that movie is Edward & Bella’s first kiss in her bedroom. That scene is hotter than any other in all 3 movies put together. The way “Edward’s” lips/face quiver – oh my God. It says it all.

    2nd favorite scene from Twilight would be when Edward picks up Bella as they cross the threshold into the prom. Sigh…

    While I have also enjoyed NM and EC, nothing captures the chemistry, intensity, and love that the characters have and and demonstrate in Twilight.

  30. Have to add every single time he asks “What?” Love it! 🙂

  31. Another one – when they are in Edward’s room in Twilight and they are “dancing” and he puts his hand on her waist and the face he makes…oh God, I apologize in advance for all my previous and subsequent posts, but I love this question!

  32. Ok, just one more comment…from “New Moon” when Bella “saves” Edward and she jumps into his arms in Italy. And from “Eclipse”, of course, the leg hitch/proposal scene and when Edward fights Victoria. Loved angry Edward!

  33. .. how about one from each…
    Twi first kiss*
    NM reunion kiss under the clock tower…sigh
    Eclipse proposal

    if it had to be one… I’d say Twi 1st kiss*

  34. Edward and Bella in his room in Twilight!

  35. 1. the prom scene
    2.and when edward walks into the cafeteria

  36. 2)their first kiss on Bella’s bed…the scene when 4)Bella is washing her truck and Edward jumps on the truck and bangs the dent out……all time fav scene…1)the prom scene…and 3)the hospital scene

    • Oh yes!! The dent scene!! Love when he tells her that she is more nervous they won’t like her instead of being in a house full of vampires! LOL great scene!

  37. Everything everyone mentioned were amazing scenes. Especially that walk from the car to Bella, wishing her a happy birthday, they chat briefly, he kisses her. SO GOOD!

    From books mine include:
    1. Twilight- The drive back when Edward realizes Bella knows that he is a vampire. Also, the whole scene in the meadow when she sees him sparkle for the first time. The way they just touch each other and what her touch does to him….
    2. NM-from when they are in the waiting room in Voltera waiting to leave… all the way to when they go to Edward’s house for the vote…especially when they are running through the woods, her on his back and she gives him a kiss on the neck.
    3. Eclipse- When Bella wakes up in the tent and Edward throws Jake to the ground to get him off of her. Also they way she freaked out after kissing Jacob and all her guilt. I wish it had gone like that in the movie.
    4. BD wedding scene when he makes her look at herself in the glass reflection of the house. (actually the whole wedding)
    5. BD when she comes out in the black lingerie and she sees his eyes pop for a second even though he is trying to control himself. LOL

    SOOOO many from Breaking Dawn! I can really go on and on with that book. Can’t wait for the movie. Should have been a woman director for the first part of BD (wedding, honeymoon, and possibly birth scene) to catch the intensity of their love. So far only Catherine Hardwicke managed that. Reason why Twilight is my favorite movie.

    From the movies:
    1. Twilight- Their first kiss for sure! His acting was great! A very close second was the restaurant scene when he says he doesn’t have the strength to stay away from her and she replies “then don’t”.
    Also when he is introducing her to the Cullens in their kitchen and Bella and Edward walk away, he rolls his eyes at his family to show them how much they embarrassed him. I love that scene!!
    2. NM- Bella’s bedroom scene after Voltera when Edward asks her if she can ever forgive him.
    3. Eclipse- When Bella just gets to their campsite with Jacob and quickly goes over to hug Edward. You can see his smile as he hugs her. Love that scene!

  38. It is incredible how over time, as I see more and more the 3 movies, the more I ended up liking Twilight, which at first I thought it was poorly done. The scene that I like best is Twilight is when she faints because Edward is sucking her blood and cannot stop, wonderful made that collage of CH with the hoarse voice of Robert in the background. The other scene I love is the Edward’s room, because there he show a grat performance,he does faces, gestures every building and give strength to the character. Those faces and gestures that were criticized but I think that shaped the image of Edward in stone.

    Obviously the proposal scene in Eclipse again show the incredible talent Robert have. Who could do that scene without been ridicoulus in XXI century?? It’s perfect scene, because Rob is a genius

  39. -the scene in Twilight where E explains about vampire lifestyle while drenched partly under a tree in rain.
    -first kiss, goes without saying!
    -biology class where they interact
    -greenhouse scene – such pent up frustration!
    -walking in the parking lot in NM and the casual kiss afterwards
    -E talking deliriously happy after the kiss in Italy – did you see the curve of his upper lip over his teeth?
    -first medow scene in Eclipse
    -all the casual kisses in E
    I could obviously go on and on about this, this kind of question warrants long and half finished answers!

  40. i m too emotinal when kristan says “kill me kill me dont kill him” whaoooooooooooooo

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