HitFix: “Water for Elephants Could Surprise at the Box Office”   1 comment

From HitFix:

Somewhat, but not all that surprising in third was “Water for Elephants.”  The Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon period romance found $7 million for what could be anywhere from a $16-20 million weekend.  Pattinson’s last non-“Twilight” opening, “Remember Me,” dropped almost 20% from Friday to Saturday after his devotees rushed to theaters opening day.  If the film is playing broader than Pattinson’s fans it could honestly surprise as pre-release polling predicted around a $15 million debut.

One response to “HitFix: “Water for Elephants Could Surprise at the Box Office”

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  1. People will like this movie including grandmothers because beside from one scene with Christoph this really is a family movie you can go to.

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