Norwegian ‘Water for Elephants’ Blu-Ray Cover + Possible DVD Bonus Feature   1 comment

WATER FOR ELEPHANTS DVD BONUS FEATURE: (From the Norwegian Blu-Ray version)

  • Raising the Tent
  • Working Without a Net: The Visual Effects
  • The Menagerie of Water for Elephants
  • Secrets of the Big Top
  • Feature Performer Reese Witherspoon
  • The Star Attraction
  • Audio Commentary with Director Francis
  • The Travelling Show – Page to Screen Lawrence and Writer Richard LaGravenese
  • Robert Pattinson Spotlight

Pre-Order here

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One response to “Norwegian ‘Water for Elephants’ Blu-Ray Cover + Possible DVD Bonus Feature

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  1. I have to say I normally don’t review movies. I usually try to stick with books (haha hence my name) I also tend not to see movies that were based on books, they are never right ie: Eragon, Blood and Chocolate and yes even the Harry Potters movies were missing tons of sides stories that were in the books. I saw Twilight the day it came out and was both relieved that it was so close to the book, and frustrated because like the book it lacked action. Only the last five minutes had any fighting. The same was true in New Moon, while it followed the book closely it was only the last 10 minutes where Edward fought with the Volturi that were action packed. I have to say I really liked Eclipse. I found that with all of Stepenie Meyer’s books (especially Breaking Dawn) there was a huge build up towards the battle scenes, then it just fell apart. Yes it’s for a younger age group, but sometimes a little more fighting and action is good. Eclipse delivered good action through out the movie, especially the ‘big battle’ I found myself wishing that the screen writers would have put this much effort into the first two with the action. David Slade, the director, also did Hard Candy (amazing movie) and 30 Days of Night. I think it was brilliant to bring him in on the project and hope he stays for Breaking Dawn.

    I also am glad to say that Kristen Stewert has better facial expressions in this movie. She doesn’t look like her face is frozen in only two expressions. Edward also delivers more side comments with good comedic timing. Jacob is hurt in this movie, but the interaction between all three is much less forced and more natural than the first two movies. It is without a doubt the best of the bunch. I won’t bog down this review with the plot, because obviously 99% of the people going to Eclipse have read the book at least twice. I can say though that unlike the other two movies, I actually found myself wondering what happens next, and looking forward to how Bella and Edward (and yes Jacob) would react. I’d say if you’ve been on the fence about the other two movies go see this one, if you hated the first two movies, this one is infinitely better and if you loved the first two movies, I can only say you will love this one even more.

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