It’s ToR’s 2nd Blogiversary   62 comments

Today marks our 2nd blogiversary! Thanks to everyone who has followed and supported us over the years, those who’ve been with us through Robward, DuRob, Robowski, Tybert, Packinson, thousands (millions?) of pictures, Premieres, multiple Award shows and much more.

Thanks to all the ToR girls who work incredibly hard to keep the site updated.

And of course, huge thanks to owner Marie, for who we would not be here without!

The face of Thinking of Rob changed throughout the years (click to make bigger):



Here a small overview of all our banners we had:

All the fun we had with our avatar and twibbons on twitter 😛

Well wishes and more after the jump!

More after the jump

Special thanks to Marie for creating ToR. It has been a part of my life for a year and a half now and I’ve enjoyed every moment. I love all the ToR girls and am glad to call you all my friends!



I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I started ToR! How time flies by. Thanks to all the girls who help run this site. Sim who does all the artwork for this site (as you can see above, MAJOR difference!) and tortures us with twibbons lol 😉 she does a great job on the site ! Nat who helped us come back from hell ;). Z who also helped us so very much. B who does an awesome job of updating the site. Jeanette, Gabby, Meg, love you guys. You all do an amazing job. Thanks for being there all those times I was ready to throw in the towel. You’re what keeps this site going. *Mwah* Love you all! I’m so glad we’re such a great team.

Thanks to everyone who’s visited and supported the site. Thanks to those who have been there from the very start when ToR was just a small place I created to post my videos and pictures. You guys helped us make ToR what it is now! Thanks to all the new visitors as well =) Thanks to Schelmy for her support from day 1.

A HUGE thank you to the other bloggers who helped me so much when I started this site. Late2thePartee who answered my 101 questions each day. AmberinOK, amcas, RobPattzNews EyesofAmberBlog & LMCullen. There’s so many more that I can’t name them all. And who can forget the antics of theshagdaddy who made us laugh so many times. Especially when he went on his date with and Edward Cullen cut out.

Thank you all so much!

Marie aka FP



happy anniversary and thanks, as always, for your wonderful work <33333
I love you. I love the blog and I love all you posters.
That’s all I can say. Congratrz on the 2 years, keep it up 🙂
Mandy (@M_D1976)


congrats to all of you, especially FP , on 2 years of dedication and
hard work. and 25,000 followers! well deserved hugs, kisses and love
to the best rob fansite on twitter. ToR groupie for life 🙂

vampie xoxo


Happy Birthday ToR!I am very happy to have been pals with all of you guys and this site since the beginning. You are among my old-school Rob pals…and I adore ya!

Happy Anniversary! Two years in Rob years/movies: from Remember Me till Cosmopolis! 😉
I love this site, I love theToR- girls, I love everything on this site! Special thanks to Marie for creating such a wonderful site! Love ya!
Barbora (@slowie)
Sweet Marie,
I’m so proud to be part of this amazing site and this amazing team for almost 2 years now: time flies! We’ve been through loads of ups and downs, had tons of fun during stressfull premiere events and giggled our asses off when we goofed around with the avatar and more. I can truly say I have found an amazing friend in you Marie and without you there wouldn’t be a ToR: you ARE ToR. It’s your baby and you made it to what it is: a place where tons of fans can meet. I Love all the ToR girls for all their amazing work and support: without you we couldn’t make ToR to what it is. Thank you for letting me be a part of this!
Love you
Congrats on your two year anniversary, Thinking of Rob!
Marie, you have created a site that is always, without fail, respectful, informative, honest, and unbiased. I know you’ve put so, so much of your time, energy, tears, hard work and money into ToR and I hope you know how much it is appreciated. Through the good times and bad, you’ve always been such a professional. The site has become something that I think the entire fandom can be proud of. It is an example of how, with hard work and integrity, fans can be a source of news and support that is world-class.
I am honored and proud to be a part of the Thinking of Rob family. I love you girls, and I love everyone who supports the site. Here’s to many, many more!
xoxo Meg (donnersun)
I am so proud to be a part of this site with these wonderful ladies. Here’s to 2 more years, thinking of Rob


Hi Girls

Happy 2 Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Just make a gif for you , a big thanks for all you do for us every day
With Love Manu / HisHandsObsessed.tumblr 😉


Dear ToR-girls!
Happy 2 year anniversary. What an achievement and what an amazing journey those 2 years has been. After having been on the team for a little bit, earlier this year, I’ve realised how much time and effort really goes into keeping this blog up and running.

For that hard work, the many hours and dedication I applaud you all. I also applaud the class and respect you show in sorting through material that would no doubt give you high viewer numbers, but where you choose integrity and respect over statistically-based success. You’re all a good example of how blogging and news-sharing can be done without crossing lines that have clearly been drawn by Robert.

Of course, none of this would be happening and none of this would be here, if it wasn’t for Marie (FP) – Mama ToR :). Marie, you’re such a fantastic person, and you give so much to all of us through this site and Twitter. The amount of work, time and yourself, you put into this site is astounding. I have so much love & respect for you and for the way you run this blog.

So, to all of you ToR girls – I love you and thank you so much for all the hard work

xoxo A (ABF_ & ABF86)


Congrats on your 2 year anniversary of the site! It’s an incredible ride. I hope many more years to come for your site!

Maria (TwilightBritneyFan)


Marie and the rest of the ladies!

I want to congratulate all the wonderful ladies of Thinking of Rob, especially Marie, on your TWO year anniversary! What an amazing accomplishment! I have had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Marie, Nat and two of it’s newest members, Amber and Meg, in New York City earlier this year and I had the most memorable time with all of them. 

You have all come to mean a lot to me. I have been able to glimpse the hard work along with the blood-sweat-and tears (literally) that come with running and taking care of this site and it has been truly inspiring! You all are so talented with what you do and your support of each other is nothing short of amazingly refreshing. 

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication! I wish you all the best of luck with many more years to come! 

Much love to you all.  *hugs and smooches*

Kimberly (EdwardsVenom/Team Bodyguard Dean)

Posted July 12, 2011 by Sparks in Robert Pattinson

62 responses to “It’s ToR’s 2nd Blogiversary

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  1. Happy 2 Year anniversary girls. I remember when i first began on twitter you girls were there to bring me news cute Rob pics and more.

    2 years later i still visit this blog everyday. I think in a way i have you to thank for making me feel that my love for Rob was not that crazy!! Truly thank you!!

    Thank you for all the great work it is truly appreciated:)

  2. trop geniale merci pour toute ses news mille biz ésmée

  3. Happy anniversary to ToR! ❤

  4. Happy 2nd blogiversary ladies. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog and for being so awesome you all! Keep up the good work so we’ll have many more celebrations ahead!


  5. Only you try to show the beauty of Rob’s soul …Happy birthday !!!

  6. Happy 2 anniversary!!! Thank you for bringing some joy to my life! You are really the Best!!! And I want You to know that you have fans of your amazing site in Poland to 🙂 Thank youuuuuuu!


  7. *throws Robfetti*
    *kisses cheeks*

    thank you for everything you’ve done and will do for all of us fans!
    luv you allll!!!


  8. HAPPY 2nd BLOGIVERSARY!!! I’m happy for these two years and hopefully much more. Always the best information about the work of Rob I hope you always continue to focus on that. You work hard to keep us informed every day and I thank you, thank you so much. Are the most complete web.


  9. Happy birthday TOR


  11. AUGURI !!!! from Italy <3<3 ….. Thank you sooooo much for your work, I follow you everyday….with love, Stefy

  12. Happy anniversary ladies! You all know how much I love your blog (though egg and work are keeping me busy lately and I’m barely here). This is the site I visit when I have 5 min to succumb to my british temptation . I admire you all girls, and specially FP, cause no matter what people say, no matter what you have to endure, you remain faithful to your principles and because of that you have this chicken’s admiration.



  13. Happy 2nd anniversary and thank you for all your workd on this amazing site!

  14. Happy Birthday Thinking of Rob and all your wonderful ladies, and thank you for all that you do!!!!!!!

  15. Happy 2nd Birthday ToR! Thanks for all the hard work you do to bring us the latest news on Rob in a very classy way, just like the guy himself, plus all the other fun stuff you do that makes this site so enjoyable to visit!

  16. Happy anniversary! You are amazing!

  17. Happy Anniversary, ladies! I’m mia a lot, and I’ll get a random text or gchat message of ‘Did you see the new…?’-and lately I usually haven’t… My automatic first move is here, because I just know I’ll see everything I need. And nothing I wouldn’t want to. Thank you for being here, and for being amazing, always.

  18. Aah! i just recently joined you but i felt you’r doing great job so i follow you regularly and love you..happy anniversary..

  19. Happy Anniversary #2 ToR!! I’ve been following you guys since I been on twitter. Our anniversary dates are one day apart so I’ll never forget ToR’s.
    You all do an amazing job. It’s a great site and we all appreciate all that you do EVERYDAY.
    Thanks for keeping the site going…I know it’s tough sometimes. But it’s soooo WORTH it. :))

    Cheers to all the girls at ToR!

  20. Happy 2nd anniversary TOR! Thanks for all what you do. Keep it going because you all rock! xx

  21. Happy 2nd Robiversary ToR!! Congratulations on 2 great years!

    Thanks for all your hard work ladies…for always having the latest news and pics and, most of all, for always treating Rob with respect!! <3!!!

  22. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for fueling my (our) obsession!

  23. I remember when I chatted for the first time with Marie 🙂
    we talked about my pictures of Rob in Rome on “the sun in a smile”..and what he did to our lifes.

    happy birthday to Marie , the staff and …the entire TOR ❤


    Simona x

  24. Yes,StefiSwan77 xP I’m also italian girl!!!!!!!!!!!!(sto parlando in inglese solo xkè tt le altre girl possano capire xP)
    I see that website everyday and I think it’s very good so…
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOR ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
    Cause we love Robert u___u

  25. Happy Blogiversary!!!! thanks for all the time you put in to give us all an updated news about out Beloved Robert. More power to all the staff. ❤ ❤ Nothing but L<3ve to all of you.

  26. ✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥✿ ♥♥

  27. Congrats!! this was the first Rob blog i followed when i got a twitter, thanks for still bring us news and cool contest! *hugs* 😉

  28. Happy Blogiversary!!!! thanks for all the time you put in to give us all and updated news about our Beloved Robert. and hopefully many more years thanks xx

  29. Ah..I remember following ToR ever since the original look of the site …. This has been a great site ever since…and it keeps getting better and better.
    Congratulations to all those who work so hard to keep it running…and best of all, you all keep it fun to visit.
    I also remember when Marie was ready to shut it down…Oh man…I am so glad she never did….and I hope she never does. Rob is lucky to have such an awesome fan site dedicated to him….specially one where respect towards him and his personal life is such a pivotal priority….not many Rob site has that.
    Hope you guys celebrate many, many, many years of running. Love you all!!

  30. Happy 2nd Anniversary guys!! Thanks so much for all you do here. It’s really, really appreciated. Sending hugs & best wishes. *mwah* ❤

  31. I can NOT believe it has been 2 years!!! Marie ❤ and ToR Team xoxox, it is inspiring to see the transformation and growth of the site and exciting to see you still ROCKING IT every day. When I think of you I smile and look forward to lurking in to see the current updates.

    Marie you inspire me and I am so happy to see you out there every day. ToR rocks!!!!!

    Best wishes and MANY happy returns of this special day.


    (PS: thank you so much for being a sweet friend and letting me play too <3)

    • ❤ ❤ ❤ Sending you lots of love babe. It's been a while! =) Miss you! xxxx Thanks for everything you've done, even if you did send me a cardboard Edward that scared the shit out of me for the first 3 weeks lol.

  32. Wow 2 years! It seems like only yesterday you began ToR! Thank you for keeping us updated and bring us Rob news. May you be here celebrating your 10th!

  33. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

    Happy Blogiversary, ladies. I remember ages ago I was um…looking for some de-dots from New Moon set pics in Italy. AND THEN I FOUND THE MOTHEREFFIN MOTHER LOAD.

    Since then, I’ve had to join de-dot anonymous. BUT I JUST CAN’T STOP. DAMN YOU MARIE. DAMN YOU! *shakes fist*

    I’m just kidding of course. What would I do without you? DIE OF CLIPART DISASTERS, PROB. (Thinking of Rob(ert DeNiro)…now taking moar CLIP ART DONATIONS…we need dinosaurs. that mole is effin huge. I SWEAR)

    Thanks for all the giggles, for all the pretty, and for keepin’ it real, dolls.


  34. Marie and all the wonderful ToR ladies … a big Happy Anniversary to you!

    Thank you so much for the endless hours you have spent on Rob … oops that sounded dirty. LOL 🙂 No but seriously, thank you. I’ve said it before and I will say it again … you all are very classy. I’ve been a ToR follower from the start and I could not be more proud of you ladies and how huge ToR has become! I’m also very appreciative and happy that you have persisted during though times. You all are Awesome! {smooches} <3s

  35. I remember when y’all started here and I’m so happy you’re still going strong 2 years later!! Happy Blogiversary!!!

  36. Much loves!!!

  37. Harry Birthday from Brazil, girls! =) You guys deserve it!

  38. I wish I could reply to everyone. Thanks to everyone who’s left messages and who support us regularly. You’re what keeps us going! Sending you guys tons of love. *mwah*

  39. happy anniversary thinking of Rob site! *pops open a bottle of champange*

  40. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE TOR!!!

  41. Felicidades!!!! Happy secondversary TOR. It’s always a pleasure to browse the blog. Thanks for the hard work and good vibes lovely ladies.

  42. Huge congratulations to ToR!!! Love you all!

  43. Happy Anniversary my lovely ladies!!


  44. its been a nice 2 years withe u i remember when i full in love with Rob ur the first please i found and i like it so much its like a big home for all Rob,s fan from ur great job here i love him more and more thanks for every thing and hop for mane years to come for u i love u so much
    all the love from Amman Jordan (mowh)

  45. Happy anniversary to my lovely ladies!!!!

    Sorry I’m late. :(.

    Wishing y’all many many more years Thinking of Rob!!



  46. Congratulation!!!!!

  47. Happy birthday! I am sorry I kind of late :S lol

    Congratulation! Thank you so much! “Thinking of Rob” is one of my favorite website! You make such a great work! I am so glad for you!

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