Flashback Pic Post – Robert Pattinson on the ‘Late Show with David Letterman’   1 comment

Here are 8 HQ pics of Robert Pattinson promoting ‘New Moon’ on ‘Late Show with David Letterman’ back in 2009


See more pictures after the jump


One response to “Flashback Pic Post – Robert Pattinson on the ‘Late Show with David Letterman’

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  1. Sexy as ever Mr pattinson.
    Why do you put yourself down so much? 😦 ♡
    You are a great performer
    That is acting and musically, I wish you would make an album, you have an amazing voice, so raw and sexy it gives me goosebumps, and tears. I also think that you need to come back out from hiding behind the low budget films, and do something different and great, because you are great and you need to start to believe in you the leading actor in the latest and most fantastic film, go grab those parts you let others take, grab that roll you always wanted to do.
    Life is to short hunñy, and you need to grab it by the balls and don’t let go, you just keep on going. So your not just rob pattinson? Oh yeah the guy who did the twilight movies,
    No you will be Rob Pattinson the actor who did the twilight movies and rocked them and went on to do greater films he’s amazing.
    And you are.
    So come back to us, we are your fans me, me,me, me, me, and so on and so on. we believe in you . XxxxxX ♡ XxxxxX

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