More details on Robert Pattinson’s new project ‘High Life’ with Claire Denis   2 comments

More details on Robert Pattinson’s new project with Claire Denis as director have been revealed


The Film & Media Foundation NRW awarded 50,000 euro in August to support a movie (in development) called “High Life” by Claire Denis, Jean-Pol Fargeau, Zadie Smith and Nick Laird.

Short synopsis of the movie on Film & Media Foundation’s website:

“Jean-Pol Fargeau, Claire Denis, Zadie Smith and Nick Laird write “High Life”. Looking for alternative energy sources, the government is sending spaceships. Since there is little hope of return, it offers highly qualified inmates to participate in the flight and therefore to circumvent their death sentences and long prison sentences. (Producer: Pandora Film, € 50,000)”

Pattinson Art Work | RPAU | RPLife

Posted October 21, 2015 by fastieslowie in High Life, Robert Pattinson

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2 responses to “More details on Robert Pattinson’s new project ‘High Life’ with Claire Denis

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  1. I have a feeling that this is going to be a really great movie. I hope everything goes smoothly with prep and shooting and that we get to see it soon!

  2. Pingback: More Details on Robert Pattinson's New Project ...

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