Pics of Robert Pattinson in The Haunted Airman   12 comments

Since The Haunted Airman is available for pre-order now in the US I thought I should do a pic post. Some of these pics I had never seen before. The DVD will be avalaible on October 13th 2009.


To pre-order the DVD on Amazon go here

Source and Corrina Spencer  for the B&W and colour enhanced pics.

12 responses to “Pics of Robert Pattinson in The Haunted Airman

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  1. luh-verly 🙂

  2. OMG these pics rank up in the top 10 for me!! thx FP

  3. Oh I am so buying this movie. I will likely buy every movie that he ever has or will make…I’m pathetic, lol.

  4. These make me want to watch it again!

  5. This make me want to watch it in good quality… Not shitty Youtube quality.

  6. I have to say that some of these pics rank right up there in my top Rob pics. He did a great job as Toby Jugg.

  7. I’ve want 2 see the movie, cos he is such a great actor and I love to hear him speak. I think it would be a movie worthy watching. He is so talented

  8. Will preorder along with “How To Be” as soon as that’s available, too. I saw most of “The Haunted Airman” on youtube. Fantastic performance by Rob – creepy movie. Too bad most people don’t have a clue how talented Rob really is and all the other work he’s done besides “Twilight”.

    I also recommend “The Bad Mother’s Handbook” which you can see on youtube. Not sure if that will be available in the US any time soon.

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