Special Post: Remembering September 11th   21 comments


We’re taking a moment today to make a special post here at ToR.

May all those who died on September 11th rest in peace. May all those who survived them find the strength and courage to carry on…

To all the firemen and policemen from the FDNY, NYPD, and PAPD  who gave their lives for others and for those who survived, your heroics acts will be in our hearts forever, thank you. Your courage went above and beyond the call of duty that day.

To all those who risked their lives to save others or died trying … The selflessness you showed has no bounds, you are true heros.

To all the people of New York City, we are with you in our thoughts.

You will always be remembered.


I will never forget the moment I turned on the TV that morning. The first plane had already hit, but at that exact moment, the second plane struck. My first thought was “Is the world ending?” my second was “Oh my God. My brother was supposed to be at the World Trade Center today.” Since all the phone lines were jammed, we had no idea until later that day. (He had actually gone the day before. The last group to ever tour the WTC) We watched in horror as the towers fell. Watched the people as they tried to run to safety. Feeling scared. Angry. Impotent, because I was in Ohio, and I knew there was nothing I could do. I will never forget the people we lost that day. Did I know them, no. But I can only imagine the fear and pain they had to endure under the hands of these heartless cowards. I pray for their families, that they may someday find peace in their hearts. I salute the NYPD, the NYFD, and all the service men and women who answered the call when their country needed them. ~JustChristy

Here’s a tribute video FP made.


Posted September 11, 2009 by justfp in Robert Pattinson

21 responses to “Special Post: Remembering September 11th

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  1. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for Special Post: Tribute to September 11th « Thinking of Rob [thinkingofrob.wordpress.com] on Topsy.com

  2. What a terrible day for New York City and the rest of the World. My thoughts are with everyone also.

    What a heart-wrenching video FP. 😦

  3. I hope that we will never admit that whenever and wherever have happened to something so horrible. Today all my heart I give to those who lost in the attacks of 9 / 11 loved ones, family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, neighbors. I hope that those who lost their lives rest in peace.
    I’m impressed by the courage of all the public services: doctors, firemen, policemen. I – a descendant of those who have to rebuild from scratch the entire country after World War II – I give honor heroes of the WTC & Pentagon.

  4. Thank You for this on this Day…I am leaving today for D.C. for them and for All of us.

    May ALL those who lost LOVED ONES > friends or family know THAT WE WILL NEVER NEVER FORGET!!



  5. What a touching tribute video. WE WILL NEVER FORGET!

  6. 8 years ago today change my hole life, i was sick in my bed watching TV when the news came, and i saw live as the second plane hit the second tower since that moment all i can think was all those people there.

    We have take a moment an pry for all those who lost their life that day and later trying to defend our freedom. And learn that we have to accept and respect everyone, no matter if they think different from us.

  7. Thanks for the video, I was crying like a baby.

    Gone but never forgotten – Hard to believe its been 8 years.

    Makes you truly realize that life really is a precious gift.

    Hug your loved ones a little bit longer and tighter today.

  8. Thank you FP! I’m a New Yorker and today is a difficult day… I visit your site daily, and as usual I find scrumptious bits of Rob and on this day-the love and support I need.


  9. Thank you so much for remembering this day.

    It will be a part of us forever. It changed us all that day.

    I think we all view life a little differently after that September day.

    Appreciate that you made a tribute to this very special and sacred day.

  10. Special Rememberance for today! This is a wonderful post. Always remembering Sept 11… It was the day that changed the world.

  11. There are not enough words that can express my emotional upheaval everytime I think of this tragic day. It’s not a day that I only think about 1 time a year, it is a scar on my heart and in my life that will never be fully healed. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to all those that were taken and all those left behind to pick up the pieces. Such a useless tragedy that ended too many innocent lives and scarred many more innocent hearts. I didn’t personally lose anyone in this tragedy, but can’t help but mourn the losses of those that passed and pray for those left behind. We all lost on that day. RIP.

    P.S. Thanks for remembering and making the tribute…

  12. In my car, driving between schools (at which I taught) the whole day stopped, the kids were sent home, we watched at school as reports came in, horrified.


    Thanks for the post FP.

  13. Thank you for taking the time to post something about 9/11 on your website. So far, you are the only RPattz fansite that I have seen to even acknowledge what today is. It is important that we never forget the tragic events that happened on 9/11/01.

  14. I would also like to thank you for remembering that tragic day. I was at work sitting at the receptionist’s desk waiting for her to come in. The radio was on and I remember them saying that a small plane had hit one of the towers. We weren’t alarmed at first, but when shortly afterward they said another plane had hit the other tower, we all knew something was terribly, terribly, wrong. We were all trying to get on the internet and it was totally stalled.. I remember driving home that day from work and seeing a young boy sitting on his front step with an elderly gentleman and they looked so sad. I don’t know anyone pesonally who was killed there, but I know people who lost friends and relatives. I had been in one of the towers more than once, the last time the same year of the ’93 bombings. It’s just unbelieveable that something like this could happen in this country.

  15. Ah babe, you’re killing me…

    I don’t live in NY & had no family there-but felt it down to my bones.

    I’m old enough to have gone through Vietnam war, and lost friends there, and this was no comparison.

    Your insight to all things really makes my heart flutter sometimes.

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