Happy Birthday, FakerParis!   40 comments


Happy Birthday, FP! I hope you have a great day! Enjoy the video the girls and I put together for you! ~JustChristy

Happy Birthday sweetie! Hope you like our gifts and enjoy your day! *hugs* ~JustKG

Happy Birthday Girlie! Love Ya Bunches!  :-D ~JustNic

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more about “Happy Birthday, FakerParis!“, posted with vodpod

Awww thank you guys! Love ya too! LMFAO at the song you used for the video. For those of you who don’t know it’s an inside joke between us. Thanks for all the good wishes everyone! I had a bunch of e-mails this morning wishing me happy birthday. You guys did awesome jobs so I’ll post them below 🙂 Maria in CT also sent me a great pic of a birthday card she made her daughter. I won’t be reposting it as her daughter is in the picture though but it was a great card!


See the pics after the jump!

From Corr… awww Corr these are great!



From KStewDevotee – Thank you Elle!


JAG from Random Acts of Rob posted this on her site this morning 🙂 Love ya girl!


From EdwardCullenNet


 This one is from ArcCleo




Jess (lol)


From RobStenWishWell


I have trouble keeping up with my @ replies right now so I’m not sure who sent these to me anymore lol






Posted September 24, 2009 by justchristy in Robert Pattinson

40 responses to “Happy Birthday, FakerParis!

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  1. This is Louis and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.

  2. Happy Birthday!!! 🙂

  3. happy birthday fp.hope you have a great day.xxx

  4. Happy Birthday FP! Have a wonderful day! May you see lots and lots of the beautiful Rob! xxxooo

  5. Wishing you have happy birthday. God bless you you. Have fun.

  6. Bonne fête / Happy birthday justfp!
    Wishing you a thousand and one happy Rob dreams!

  7. Just a random fan of your blog here – want to say Happy Birthday!! Have a Robtastic day!

  8. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for Happy Birthday, FakerParis! « Thinking of Rob [thinkingofrob.wordpress.com] on Topsy.com

  9. LOL. U added mine 😀

  10. Happy Birthday Marie!
    Lots of Robkisses to you 🙂

    x Elle, a FP Fan From Belgium xD

  11. Happy Birthday again!!! LOL!!! Aww, thanks for the mention, and you have my permission to post the pic if you want. You have some very talented fans on here. Those cards are awesome!!! I’m technologically challenged so the card I made for my daughter was very home made! 🙂

  12. Happy Birthday FP – have a great day!

    cant_help_myself (feelinfroggy71)
  13. Happy Birthday WOOT!

  14. Happy Birthday… thanks for the many laughs and smiles you give us all… 🙂 Have a robtastic day!! You deserve it !

  15. Dear FP,

    Joyeux anniversaire (Hope I did not just murder your native tongue on your birthday *blush*)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best Rob Porn dealer in the universe !

    And a wonderful, cool person as well !!

    Thanks for the pics and posts and making me laugh and drool !!

    Here’s wishing you a great year filled with dreams coming true !!!

    And if ever Rob wanted to have a girl friend named Paris, it better be you because you are one fab gal !!

    Too bad I cannot wrap him up in a ribbon and give him to you !

    Have a wonderful year bb *smooches*

  16. Sorry FP, I forgot to put my name on my card . . . i gave you the Vodka Card above.


  17. happy birthday & thanks for the videos & the amazing things you do with Rob’s fotos—some are truly masterful—a fan ❤

  18. Happy bday FP 😀 *hugs*

    Hope it’s a good’un 😉

    btw, LOVE all the banners and stuff people made for ya, esp JAG’s and from EdwardCullenNet… great stuff 😀

  19. Have a fantastic birthday, FP!!
    Wishing you a wonderful day filled with ALL the things you love.

  20. Merry Christmas, FP!……….ummmmm….that’s not the right sentiment is it?

  21. Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday… Hope your dreams come true, and Rob comes to visit you! You kiss him once, you pass him around.. happy happy birthday to you!

  22. aww..those are great pictures!!!
    Happy birthday!..I hope you’re enjoying every bit of it =D

  23. Thanks again everyone for all the birthday wishes!

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