New Remember Me Stills & BTS Pics   17 comments

Here are some new stills of Robert Pattinson in Remember Me.

More after the jump!

Source: Pattinson Life

17 responses to “New Remember Me Stills & BTS Pics

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  1. Pingback: New Remember Me Stills and BTS Pictures « Robert Pattinson

  2. Does anyone know if Rob plays guitar or sings for any length of time in this movie?

  3. Who is the older blonde and the man with white hair?

  4. Ok, I saw the 30 other stills without Rob that are “spoilerish” and I have a question regarding one of the pictures, but I obviously can’t post it here. I read the script, but I would love to know the time frame of one of the pictures. Oh well, zipping my mouth shut – I mean, not typing anymore…

  5. FP, ladies, I know I won’t get notification of any replies, here, but is there any news on that front? I will try to remember to check back here.

    • News about what?

      • News about email notifications of comments. You know, I’ve been talking about it forever…:) But lately I haven’t asked you about it. I got an amail that replied to my comment, but if anyone else comments, I don’t get an email, whereas before the site changed, I did get email notifications for any post/blog, whatever it’s called, lol, which I subscribed to.

  6. me muero por ver esta pelicula , ya no espero mas, Robert va a estar genial

  7. March 12th is taking too long to get here 😦

  8. Pingback: The Robert Pattinson Diaries — Missing Kristen Stewart While Filming Remember Me | A Twilight Kiss

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