Archive for May 7, 2010

Eclipse Trailer to be Shown Before Letters to Juliet   Leave a comment


The moment you’ve waited for is almost here, and to get your engines revved up you’ll be able to catch the brand new theatrical trailer for Eclipse before screenings of Letters to Juliet on Sunday!

Posted May 7, 2010 by justfp in Eclipse, Robert Pattinson

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Robert Pattinson in Times Magazine – Scans   Leave a comment


Here are the scans of Time Magazine which features Robert Pattinson.

He’s the Sexiest (Bookish) Man alive and was also featured as one of the most popular followed person for social networking!

See more after the jump!

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted May 7, 2010 by justfp in Robert Pattinson

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New Robert Pattinson Wallpaper – Jeff Riedel Photoshoot   1 comment

Here’s a new Rob wallpaper made by @MissAmyJoon from the Jeff Riedel photoshoot. I love this photoshoot.

Click to make it bigger.

New Wallpaper Vanity Fair shoot 2008   2 comments

Here’s an awesome new wallpaper by @Halvir09

Click to make it bigger

Posted May 7, 2010 by Sim in Robert Pattinson, Wallpapers

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'The Summer House' is Screening at CFC Worldwide Short Film Festival   5 comments

The Summer House, a short film that Rob was in a few years ago, will be screened at the CFC Worldwide Short Film Festival Specialty? Program on June 4, 2010.

It was also shown at the East End Film Festival in London on April 28th.


Rob and 'Remember Me' in Bliss Magazine   Leave a comment


News Guardian Reviews “Remember Me"   2 comments

Robert Pattinson shines in a roll very different to Twilight

I HAD no idea what to expect from Remember Me.
I thought maybe a dark version of a Nicholas Sparks type story.

And in that respect, I suppose, I was close – but it was nothing at all like what I expected as this is a film that is both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

Tyler (Robert Pattinson) is a bit of a rebel, still coping with his older brother’s suicide several years earlier, he has a tense relationship with his dad (a rather snotty Pierce Brosnan), and a very close relationship with his little sister Caroline (Ruby Jerins).

When Tyler and his best friend and roommate Aidan (Tate Ellington) try to break up a fight, they end up getting arrested and Tyler gets beaten up by one of the policemen.

Later Aidan sets up Tyler with the policeman’s daughter Ally (Emilie de Ravin) in order to get back at the copper who attacked him.

But Ally is struggling with a tragedy as well, and the two become drawn to each other in a series of really endearing moments.

The ending – which I won’t even hint at – came as a complete surprise to me.

I was sat watching the film, and enjoying it nonetheless, when I found myself thinking, how can this end?

And then it did – and I was utterly shocked, and saddened.

You really have to watch the film to see what I mean, but it will be both sad and uplifting at the same time.

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Naperville Sun: Naperville Families Welcome 'Twilight' Vampire   4 comments

You’re not supposed to invite a vampire into your house, but when Robert Pattinson of “Twilight” fame rang the doorbell of the Webster family’s Naperville home Tuesday, all decorum — let alone rules — went out the window.

Pattinson’s appearance was part of a taped stunt set up by producers of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” The actor made surprise visits to three Naperville homes that evening.

“Twilight” cast members from the movie franchise about teen vampires were in town to tape an episode set to air May 13. The Websters were one of the families who had requested tickets to attend the taping. Little did they know they would get a whole lot more.

Jeanne Webster and her daughter Colleen, a sophomore at Naperville Central High School, had been contacted by producers and told that no more tickets were available. Instead, the producers asked if they could set up a video phone in the Websters’ home Tuesday night so Winfrey could talk to them remotely during taping the next morning. The Websters agreed and settled in for what they thought would be a dull night of technical setup.

“At 9 p.m. the doorbell rings and we saw this huge light and we were just screaming,” said Jeanne. “We thought it was Oprah at the door. My daughter Colleen opened the door and it was Rob Pattinson at the door to wish her a sweet 16th birthday.”

Another Naperville family, the McAlpines, also fell victim to what would become a welcome prank.

Lisa McAlpine’s 13-year-old daughter Meggan had invited three friends over to watch the video-phone setup. They met a movie star instead.

“The poor man — they practically tackled him,” said Lisa. “I don’t think he’ll have his hearing back for awhile.”

“I was in a state of shock at first,” said Meggan. “I always think if I ever meet these people this is what I’m going to say to them, but all I could do was scream.”

At the Websters’ home, Pattinson stuck around for about 15 to 20 minutes.

“I had my glasses on and had taken out my contacts and had no makeup on,” said Jeanne. “I couldn’t believe it. He was really funny and answered all of (Colleen’s) questions. He was a real laid-back type of guy.”

Pattinson also handed out Oprah tickets, so Jeanne, Colleen and 17-year-old daughter Shannon attended the Wednesday taping, where they also got to see stars Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning.

“It’s been a crazy couple of days,” said Colleen. “I can’t believe it. The first thing that went through my mind was, ‘This cannot be happening to me.’ I was completely speechless for the first time in my life.”


Picture of Rob, Taylor, and Kristen w/ Oprah   Leave a comment

Tune In
They are the hottest stars on the planet—Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning!
Tune in on 05/13 to watch this show
Source Via @kstewartnews

Extra TV Video: Robert Pattinson's Surprise Visit to a Lucky Fan’s House   Leave a comment

Via Source

Posted May 7, 2010 by justfp in Robert Pattinson

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