New Moon: The Score [SOUNDTRACK] with music by Alexandre Desplat   7 comments

New Moon: The Score, with music by Alexadre Desplat is now available for pre-order on Amazon. It will be released on November 14th. I can’t wait, I love scores.


You can pre-order it  for  16.99$ on Amazon here

Posted October 13, 2009 by justfp in New Moon

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7 responses to “New Moon: The Score [SOUNDTRACK] with music by Alexandre Desplat

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  1. Pingback: Twitter Trackbacks for New Moon: The Score [SOUNDTRACK] « Thinking of Rob [] on

  2. Pingback: New Moon: The Score album cover revealed Team-Twilight

  3. i love twilight and will go see all of the movies more than once forever. i love robert pattionson /Edward cullen peace

  4. Great story, I agree with you. Thank for sharing. 🙂

  5. what is exactly is a score? can anyone please explain to me?

    • A film score is an alternative word used for the background music of a film (which is generally categorically separated from songs used within a film). The term soundtrack is often confused with film score, as a soundtrack may also include songs featured in the film as well as previously released music by other artists, while the score does not. A score is written specifically to accompany a film, by the original film’s composer. A score soundtrack has the music from each part in a movie. There are no voclas to scores in some movies and in some scores dose have singing. The composers watches the un edited movie and then he and the musicans put the music in to the movie track. Twilight had a both a score soundtrack and a OST. Socres aren’t as popular as the OST in some movies i love both type of soundtracks.
      (I hope this helps).

  6. Why isn’t “The Meadow” song in the Score Soundtrack? It’s one of my favorites!!!!

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